matt tullos

the compost pile of writer, matt tullos. mostly poems, prayers, rants and naratives... "Gods passion for the world has compelled me to be a contributor in the warfare of grace rather than a spectator in the warfare of religion."

My Photo
Location: Alexandria, LA, United States

Monday, September 27, 2004

ponder the squirrel

A squirrel leaping from bough to bough, and making the wood but one wide tree for his pleasure, fills the eye not less than a lion,--is beautiful, self-sufficing, and stands then and there for nature."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Sure Signs that You Might Need to Delegate

Article I wrote today for Leaderlife

If you have to use a remote to ring the Sunday School bell because you are keeping the preschoolers and teaching the Ladies Senior Adult class on closed circuit TV, you might need to delegate.

If you come home from work one day only to discover that your son left for college, entered med school, and set up a practice before you realized he was gone, you might need to delegate.

If your leadership base can all fit in your Neon, you might need to delegate.

If the Deacon’s decide to attend worship on a rotating basis, once every quarter, you might need to delegate.

If "Hello, I can’t help you I’m snowed under," becomes your standard phone greeting, you might need to delegate.

If your wife has to set up an appointment 3 weeks in advance in order to schedule an meal together for her birthday.

If you have over fifty-five "…. for Dummies" books in your study, you might need to delegate.

If you go back to school to learn how to play the bass and the basics of interpretive dance because your church is going contemporary, you might need to delegate.

If you develop an involutary twitch everytime somebady says "can you..", you might need to delegate.

If the Church schedules an intervention for you with Dr. Phil, You might need to delegate.

If you find that you have become the chairman of the deacons and the WMU, You might need to delegate.

Bernie’s Beef: An open letter to Deacon Magazine

This is what I wrote for Deacon Magazine

I picked up Deacon Magazine last week in the nursery the other day. I was lookin’ for one of those wet wipes after I dropped a Bavarian cream filled eclair on my tie in the foyer while the pastor was preachin’. But that’s beside the point. After taking a gander into your magazine it all the sudden occurred to me why I have such a difficult time relating to the deacons at our church. They are doing what you are suggesting and things are just not the same around here! There just ain’t the usual intensity conducive to church spits and spats. It used to be that business meetings went on longer than our worship services. And our business meetings were the main reason I joined the church. What am I supposed to do for entertainment now? We don’t have any petitions circulating crying for a hostile takeover. Now I’m gonna have to watch professional wrestling to hear the kind of speeches I heard when I was growing up as a kid.

The deacons that we got bamboozled into electing are now asking everybody to get involved. And they aren’t just talking about the eating events. They want us to do stuff and to be evangelistic. I’m sorry but if God wanted me to witness, He would have made me a preacher. My spiritual calling is to make sure everybody knows when the Cowboys game starts. Especially on Sundays when it’s 11:55 and the preacher is on point number two of his sermon. Why, if it weren’t for my overly exaggerated stretch and locking my eyes on my wristwatch he’d probably preach until the Methodists finished their fruit cups at Lubys.

I don’t know what all you people over there in Nashville are planning for the coming issues but here are a few of my suggestions. I won’t even charge you for these titles. I’m sure you’ll agree will save you a lot of time trying to do issue planning.

"Relaxation Techniques during the Sermons or During the Special Music" Especially if the soloist is singing that Via Delarosa song.

"12 Ways to Promote Belligerence in Committee Meetings"

"Surefire Excuses for a Nominating Committee Phone Call"

"Creating a Diversion for Early Exits"

"Cautionary Tales and Preacher Scandals Uncensored"

" How to Slow the growth of a Congregation"

I know what you are thinkin’. Why is this non-deacon giving us suggestions? Well, sometimes you need to take a step back and find someone on the outside for some new ideas.

Hope this helps,


Bad Blogger

I have been a bad blogger. If there is nothing to blog you can always blog about how unfaithful you've been to your blog, i guess. I have had a fairly productive time writing over the past few days, just not here. I'm going to be posting a few unedited pieces today. Mainly life has just been one challenge after another. I preached at northside yesterday.

Yesterday morning I preached from Mark 2 and the four men who helped the Paralytic man get to Jesus through the roof. My favorite thing to do in the pulpit is to retell stories about Jesus. No matter how many times I read then, hear them, or tell them I always come away with a different message.

This time I was struck with the fact that most of us do indeed seem to block the doors of the church so that the needy have to tear the roof off to get in to see Jesus. I love the final sentence of the story where Mark says that people said to one another, "We have never seen anything like this before."

Lord, I long for that experience where I walk away from an encounter with God saying, "Whoa! That beats all. I've seen lots, but never that!"

In the evening I preached on the first four Beattitudes.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Received this email from Dennis Parrish

I know that many of you have heard recently of the dissolution of the Communications degree here at SWBTS. Bad news has a way of traveling fast, and rumors about the department are nothing new. Just this past Fall before the arrival of our new President I received many condolences, concerned phone calls, e-mails and personal visits from friends all over who had heard that the Department was shut down, The Company was no more, and that I had been fired. It is my sad task at this time to address the resurfacing of those same rumors.

In a strange way, the very fact that rumors are spreading is an encouragement to me. It tells me that you are out there. That you care. That you are being observant. That you are concerned with the creative communication of the message of God’s word. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that you are there. Otherwise, “How will they know...” In another way the rumors cause me a great deal of personal stress, pain and anxiety. Because I must now confirm to you that one of the three rumors is true.

The Department is weakened, but not dissolved. Classes continue to be taught and students may receive a MACE with a Communications Concentration. However, the MACOMM degree will no longer be available.

The Company is still accepting bookings. They will perform and teach next year at the SBTC Creative Arts Conference on SWBTS campus, the Touch-A-Life conference in Arkansas and many dates between now and then.

By now you have looked back to the opening paragraph and know that I am no longer employed by SWBTS. I know that many of you have questions and perhaps developed conclusions regarding the actions of the current administration. The causes that led to this are many, and I am deeply saddened; however, know that I am trusting in God’s plan for my life each and every day.

Please do not appeal to SWBTS on my behalf, feel free to appeal to SWBTS and your convention leaders to keep and strengthen the Communications Department. Please do contact me or John Tillman to book The Company. And please do continue to pray for me, and my family.

Ralph Waldo Emerson on Worship

A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

rough draft of article for Focus

Rated T for Teen
Parents Strongly Cautioned!

Think of it as cross between Godzilla, Lost in Space and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Raising a 15-year-old son is hands down, exponentially more frightening and suspenseful.  I thought we were prepared. I took my son on the “preparing for adolescence” trip a few years ago. It was a great experience, except for a few minutes when we had to pull over because he got nauseated during Dr. Dobson’s explanation of sexuality. I think he looked at me and thought of Mom and then his imagination took him places he really didn’t want to go.  (But that’s another story.)  The point is, we were ready for this long awaited transformation called puberty and adolescence! We knew what was going to happen. But I am now convinced that nothing completely prepares a rookie parent for the extraordinary, mind-bending, world-rocking, overwhelming experience of full out adolescent emotional anarchy.

We also have a thirteen-year-old son and two other boys behind him. As I write, I already hear the click, click, click of the teenage roller coaster ride that has the g-force of Space Mountain and doesn’t come with the bar across the lap to keep you on board. The experience defies description. It’s a dangerous ride, it’s frightening, and ultimately, for me it has been an all out adrenaline pumping, mind blowing, God-glorifying experience.

So what’s the formula of this thriller called Parenting Teenaged Guys?

Typical teenagers make unusual, unpredictable choices. You just never know what they’ll try next. Most of their stunts involve toilet paper, electric guitars, shaving cream, high altitude leaps, cheap thrills, hair color, duct tape, and if possible, it all happens at around three in the morning. I’ve often thought that my Heavenly Father gave me son as a daily reminder of my pre-minivan self. It’s amazing how the sins of the fathers seem to boomerang back to us leaving a noticeable knot on the head. This year I sport several battle scars from the boomerangs of the teenage years.

Here are a few of the major productions that I (and thousands of other traumatized parents) have experienced.

The Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Plot:  You wake up one morning and realize that hormones and mood swings have abducted this cute little mini-you that used to live down the hall. Suddenly this new resident looks at you as if you were a member of the cast of “Leave it to Beaver.”  In a matter of weeks, the wash of hormones across the frontal lobe of your child makes you the most outdated, uncool, irrelevant person of the new millennium. In fact, you are now so irrelevant, he would prefer to be dropped off a few blocks from all social events. Unbelievable! You find yourself running through the streets of your town screaming like a lunatic, “Who stole my child!” Roll credits.

I came to the realization that we were no longer just buddies. Kansas was not on the map anymore. It was time to dodge the flying monkeys in the suburbs of Oz. I remembered from countless workshops and empirical research of other older and wiser experts that a teenage boy is capable of swallowing any lie, taking any dare, and messing up his life in a permanent way unless the parent puts on the parent hat. It’s not cool, but it is required.

The Godzilla Factor

As a rookie parent we see our children grow physically and intellectually, and we say to ourselves, “My child is getting it.”
No he’s not.
Not now…
Not by a long shot…

It is then that you say that one syllable word that can throw any teenager into a full out, melodramatic, door slamming frenzy:  “No.”  That’s when the emotional Godzilla arises from the depths of the Pacific. Throngs of parents run for their lives! Doors slam and angry words spew forth from this once adoring child.  The temperature rises and suddenly, life gets very difficult. (This experience is best understood in the 3-D, living color of life.) Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Lost in Space (But Ultimately Found!)

My wife and I faced the reality that life in our home had changed dramatically. It challenged our universe. I’ve learned and continue to learn and relearn lots of Biblical truth with practical applications. I've learned that I can be assertive even though I hate being assertive. I learned that God's workshop is supernatural and he does most of His good stuff while no one is looking. I've learned that doing the right thing as a parent doesn’t always guarantee success. But it's always the better road even if it causes you pain. I've learned that the older I get the more important it becomes not to mess it all up. People are watching. Especially the kids down the hall. Finishing strong is important. I can't let some stray thought; fantasy or impulse bring my entire family to a screeching halt. I've learned that when you can take glory in your children's successes you must take the blame in their failures, so it's best not to get into the glory business. This past year I’ve learned that the only time our family has is right here right now, so I dare not miss this day. I've learned those worst-case scenarios rarely happen. And even if they happen, God is bigger than all of them. And His plot is more exhilarating than the wildest Hollywood script.  

the sound of running....

a good day of work as I wrote and did sound editing on worship wired weekly. I edtied the Chris Tomlin interview. As I listened I could hear the fatigue in my voice and that concerns me somewhat. When I can step back and hear it myself... But there is hope. I am finishing a number of projects and I am looking forward to a Saturday off before going to McMinnville to preach morning and evening onb Sunday.



I ask for your creative power today as I attempt to write three articles and shape up Let's Worship.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

radar screen shot

sometimes it's interesting for me to see what was on my radar screen a year or so later, so if but for my own enjoyment and reflection, this is the muck of my life today---

Last night and this morning I spent time on DIG and last nigt i went to hal's to lay down the music for TM412 DVD. Today after the editing morning I went back to the office from my house. We looked over the DIG dailies (as such) and then I went to get Lindsey and Mitchell's wedding present. we did the shower for them and then back up to the office.

Checking the pulse under the skin

I am tired today. But i am thrilled with how things are working out with Isaac. Although we have much praying to do, I have a peace in my heart that God is at work. Nathan and Caleb have both been sick.

Caleb, must believe that Murfreesboro is something akin to a concentration camp or something because when I say I have to go to the 'boro he becomes very said. For the past week he's been asking me daily if I have to go to Murfreesboro today and telling me that he doesn't like me going there. He's freaking me out. Is this some kind of divine warning or something??

If something happens to me-- and this note is read. Caleb is a prophet.

That's all for now... think i'll stick this capsule in the dirt and wait a year or so. Note to Self reading this in Sept 05. I hope you're more rested.

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion . . . . I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."     Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

what Jesus says to us

Beloved remember,

There is no place you can be that I can't find you. I am the Master of the landscape and I know your location. So don't spend your time searching for hideouts and closets.You can never be so enslaved that my love can't set you free. I break through iron and I demolish the chains. I am greater than the chains, the whips and the pain. I am ready to set you free. Just fix your eyes on me and not your captors. You may be making history through personal glory or failure, but never forget that I will have the last word. You think you know me? Take your present knowledge of who I am and then enhance it dramatically and that will be a start. I am greater than anything you ask or imagine or dream or think. Asking a human to describe my power is like asking a cow to do algebra. It's not going to happen while you are here on earth with frail imaginations. You haven't seen anything yet. Just wait with expectation. Unlike you, nothing catches me by surprise. I saw everything- I speak of your future before you have experienced it. You can believe me and trust that I don't wring my hands everytime you mess up. You are human. Just keep chasing after me and love me passionately. I will cover you. You think I'm not involved sometimes when things aren't perfect. But I am there. I am in the furnace with you and niether one of us should fear the flame. You shouldn't because I created everything and my plan is greater than all this. Fix your eyes, your voice your everything upon my existence and I'll see you at the house.

Be mine.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

we are not alone

the battle rages
we are not alone.
a baby is born
we are not alone.
the pain of seperation and the buried dreams forgotten
but we are not alone.
the water is wide and deep
we are not alone
the world groans and weeps
we are not alone
there is a promise to me and to you
simply stated
God's hands are committed to us
more than we will ever (on this side of the river)
be committed to Him
i rest in the truth that he will give good things and we will never, ever, be alone.

Brennan Manning on being accepted

"You may be insecure, inadequate, mistake, or potbellied. Death, panic, depression, and disillusionment may be near you. But you are not just that. You are accepted. Never confuse your perception of yourself with the mystery that you really are accepted."

Prayer for tomorrow


give us direction tomorrow as we visit Bellview Baptist. Show us where this church is regarding the youth and children's program. Help us to know where you want us to be, It's been such a wilderness wandering, not joining Hermitage Hills but attending knowing that we were going to be moving and hten getting here and feeling no clear direction, but we must dive in as a family even though I'll be out, perhaps...

sabath day

today was truly a sabbath. i stayed home and did a little editing on Lindsey's wedding video, watched a little football and enjoyed unplugging. I may have a chance to do an interim at the church in mcminnville where I've preach a few imes. Mark Marshall said he needs to finish his work there due to policy and so he's recommending me to that position. I am really thrilled that it may be a possibility. i've missed sharing that way.

October should be an exciting month... really looking forward to the trip to Louisiana and the work I have over the next few weeks.

The video project has become the subject of a lot of conjecture. No one is quite sure what they want out of the Sunday School DVD. This has been somewhat of an agravation but in truth, I'm not concerned. We'll do it until we all feel good about it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

just personal notes...

woke up this morning to the news that the causeway is bumper to bumper. people scattering north to avoid Ivan's landfall. I have a vested interest. I, being the northern most tullos, will only hear the whimper not the bang of Ivan.

I've made good progress today. Not great only good. But the slow, daily progress will get me up to speed hopefully.

I've had about six crashes on Final Cut. My laptop just doesn't have enough torque for the program. But I have been saving after almost every move.

Today we had our TLW meeting. Had fun reminiscing over Greece.

I am really looking forward to going back to Louisiana in October. I'll get a little time to visit with Mom and Dad.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

today's summary

Getting a little concerned about my blogging habits lately. Life seems to cascade down upon me so much that I've have little time to journal. I've had the strange sensation that blogging is selfish time when there's so much work, school, projects, writing and misc gobbledygoop. But I believe it's just an excuse.

It's been a productive time though. I have felt like life is filled with carnival barkers always trying to divert my attention when I really am just looking for that funnel cake.

Note to self: That sounds snobby

Self: I really don't mean it that way. I am not talking about people as carnival barkers... It mainly those to-do's and personal characteristics embedded in my DNA strands. Sure I have my share of draining people and situations but really I am my worst enemy.

Yes there are demons out there but for most of us, the flesh alone poses a formidable foe.

I'm going to work tonight on the DIG project.

I had my job review and it went well. They said they'd keep me around another year just to see what happens. (wink)

We are still struggling with Caleb's after school situation, Nathan had a horrible day at school. And Darlene is enduring the culture shock of teaching public school.

Those are headlines... Now back to you, Dan.

Friday, September 10, 2004



I pray for simplicity. Give me the courage to slow down and rely on your grace. Pull me away from the idols of man, my addiction to being the solution for everyones needs. But I also pray that you will give me a generous heart that is in tune to what you are doing around me.

Lord Jesus, Son of God have mercy on me, an unfocused follower, so blind to the path. So many times, garbled by the sound and fury of this culture... Pull me away from the accuser's voice. Pull me away from the culture of comfort. Pierce my hands so that they will be useful tools. I'm not asking for you to complete me. I am begging for you to change me and make me over. Transform my attitude and mindset. I am weary today, so I'm asking you to settle my spirit and that I may rest in You as I labor in love.

In a time of chaos
I beg for stillness
In a time of sorrow
In a time of passion
In a time of worship


parenthesis moment

After we got back to the apartment, Caleb hugged me and said, "Daddy, I know that you love me."


drove the kids to school
went into the office to grab equiment
went to hermitage
then back to antioch
then to murfreesboro
picked up the files
to caleb's school (sick)
to the apartment
back into the office to pick up MOTU
down to franklin
interview with tomlin
over to CPA to get Isaac
over to the house

It's such a simple life I lead.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

It's time to go home...

so i suppose i will. i spent most of my day in an ideation meeting. i have a sony digital recorder that i can use at the house so it looks like i'll just burn some midnight oil at home and then head to the 'boro tomorrow for a 9 am meeting and then i'll be doing a Chris Tomlin interview tomorrow at 4pm. then editing with hal sandifer until the cows come home. ugg...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Emerson Quote on Experience

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Looking back over the past 12 months...

Life continues to change and deepen, ever moving , daily, turning and changing.
I am grateful that the challenges I've faced over the past year have made me stronger and more aware of the fragile nature of life and relationships.
I have learned that old lesson again--- the only time we have is right here right now, so don't miss it!
I have learned again that salvation is God's and God's alone. We can be vessels of God's grace, but none of us save anyone. God is the source. I've learned this lesson so many times! Glory is in God and God alone.

I've learned to have a phone by my bed when I have teens in the house.
I've learned that I can be assertive even though I hate being assertive.
I've earned that God is no respecter of persons or countries.
The wind blows where it will. I learned that God's workshop is supernatural and he does most of his good stuff while no one is looking. Amazingly, I woke up one morning and found that the psoriasis on my ankles and feet just up and left. I didn't even know it was going away. God just took it. That is so like Him! He works even when we aren't looking.

I've learned doing the right thing doesn't make you a guaranteed success. But it's always the better road even if it leads you into failure.

I've learned that the older I get the more important it becomes not to screw it all up. Finishing strong is important. I can't let some stray thought; fantasy or impulse bring my entire ministry to a screeching halt.

I've learned that my career path is not a thermostat of success. I am most successful as a bit player in the role I was given than a superstar on a throne born of subterfuge.

I have learned that when in Greece, don't drink everything they put in front of you, especially when dining with your supervisors. It just might be more than just clear soda. And if you suspect that it's alcohol, don't act as though you enjoyed it.

I've learned that when you can take glory in your children's successes you must take the blame in their failures, so it's best not to get into the glory business.

I've learned that I am capable of overwhelming good and devastating evil, and that it sometimes takes the wisdom of Solomon in order to detect between the two.

I've learned that Worst-Case Senerios rarely happen. Especially when you are Baptist. We always have great imaginations when it comes to WCSs.

I have learned that God is much bigger than I imagined last year. And His voice is much softer.

today's plan...

to do contracts and then import video down in the edit room. lots of odds and ends.

Monday, September 06, 2004

What is God's Party Affiliation?

But there's far more to life for us. We're citizens of high heaven! We're waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ,

Philippians 3:20

We are the politically saturated generation. How can one deny this as they scan the radio. We are a right/left/moderate/kerry/bush/nannynannybooboo culture.

In God's kingdom there is no democrasy
there is no political party
only a celebration at the wedding
the invitation is sent
and there will be no election
Our commander and chief has no question about his war record.
He single handedly defeated death, hell and the grave.
The great divide isn't between the haves and the havenots
It is between the heaven and hell
God's approval rating has nothing to do with his position.
He may be ridiculed
but never defeated
He can be ignored
but never impeached.
He can be disbelieved
But his destestiny is set and nothing on mere earth can stop Him
His truth is marching on
May His banner yet wave

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures

Matthew 6:19 - A great commandment for this age of materialism. i am surrounded by the philosophy of "save early and often." lay it up... the treasures made by hands. i have things made all over the world. most from china and japan, it seems. things that make me comfortable and that give me independence. and yet my Jesus calls me to lay it down not lay up. lay it down. (two prepositions that are worlds apart.) he called them to lay down their nets. he calls me to lay down so many things... included in that list of things to lay down is my earthly crown, my comforts, my cares, my check book, my car, my retirement. lay them at his feet... it's a scary proposition. it's much like seeing peter pan fly out the window, assuring you that you can do the same but the second story breeze goes against everything i have been taught. i have the same desire of Peter. i want to get out of the boat and check out my water walking legs. i want to feel the holy spit and dirt on my blind eyes. but Lord, i'm more comfortable with paychecks, computers, and applause i can hear with my own ears.

Lord, teach me to lay it all down at your feet and to stop laying up treasures.

A needed break

i've enjoyed recouperating a little from a very busy summer, while gearing up to learn lots about final cut pro. I've been working this weekend on this program and I am excited that i'm feeling more and more comfortable with it.. We went to church this morning. I was scheduledto preach for Chris but they decided to stay in town. Mike was out. Disappointed not to hear him. I am about to tackle the house. We have a whole lot of laundry and clean-up. Darlene has left with Isaac to a counseling thing. It is a free service of Vanderbilt. In fact somehow they are going to pay US! I think it is a study of kids whose parents have experienced depression. I never dreamed that my history of illness would actually be profitable.

i have been so behind on blogging. I have missed it. Things have been in such a catch-up mode lately that blogging seems to be a selfish act. So many things at work to do and so many people to help these days...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

alter bridge website. very cool band

Chris Turner introduced me to these guys at greece. (actually just their cd)

on a work roll today

thanks be to God who continually allows me to pick up a pay check despite the fact that i am totally incompetent for the job. Today, i was able to do lots of things on Let's Worship. Tomorrow i hope to finish my additions and then move on to the contracts I owe people. It's a constant struggle. Even as I write this short note I think about all the stuff I need to do and the people I've been putting off. I need to focus tomorrow on people and not just on projects. I did handle a few needs but I have so many other things that need to be done in order to not be a liar. I've once again made too many promises.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

back from montgomery

after doing the video shoot with Jay Wolfe, I've returned home. We shot at a number of locations. A funeral home, Hank Williams grave site, the green thumb garden shop and the Baptist Hospital in Montgomery. I hope to write more tomorrow. It's a bit late and I've a big day of catch-up tomorrow.