A needed break
i've enjoyed recouperating a little from a very busy summer, while gearing up to learn lots about final cut pro. I've been working this weekend on this program and I am excited that i'm feeling more and more comfortable with it.. We went to church this morning. I was scheduledto preach for Chris but they decided to stay in town. Mike was out. Disappointed not to hear him. I am about to tackle the house. We have a whole lot of laundry and clean-up. Darlene has left with Isaac to a counseling thing. It is a free service of Vanderbilt. In fact somehow they are going to pay US! I think it is a study of kids whose parents have experienced depression. I never dreamed that my history of illness would actually be profitable.
i have been so behind on blogging. I have missed it. Things have been in such a catch-up mode lately that blogging seems to be a selfish act. So many things at work to do and so many people to help these days...
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