today's summary
Getting a little concerned about my blogging habits lately. Life seems to cascade down upon me so much that I've have little time to journal. I've had the strange sensation that blogging is selfish time when there's so much work, school, projects, writing and misc gobbledygoop. But I believe it's just an excuse.
It's been a productive time though. I have felt like life is filled with carnival barkers always trying to divert my attention when I really am just looking for that funnel cake.
Note to self: That sounds snobby
Self: I really don't mean it that way. I am not talking about people as carnival barkers... It mainly those to-do's and personal characteristics embedded in my DNA strands. Sure I have my share of draining people and situations but really I am my worst enemy.
Yes there are demons out there but for most of us, the flesh alone poses a formidable foe.
I'm going to work tonight on the DIG project.
I had my job review and it went well. They said they'd keep me around another year just to see what happens. (wink)
We are still struggling with Caleb's after school situation, Nathan had a horrible day at school. And Darlene is enduring the culture shock of teaching public school.
Those are headlines... Now back to you, Dan.
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