matt tullos

the compost pile of writer, matt tullos. mostly poems, prayers, rants and naratives... "Gods passion for the world has compelled me to be a contributor in the warfare of grace rather than a spectator in the warfare of religion."

My Photo
Location: Alexandria, LA, United States

Thursday, November 25, 2004

this blog is moving

Yes, I hate to do it again but this time I feel like I've found the blog home of my dreams.

Here's the address:

my new blog address

I haven't finished adding links to other blogs and I have just started adding files and pages in the various areas of the site. But I'd love to get feedback.

very good thanksgiving

today we stayed home and had lunch at Craker Barrell. I know... Sounds very non-traditional, I know. But we got six meals, desserts, beverages- the whole thing for 41 bucks. We couldn't buy the ingredients for that much and we walked away from the messy table and let them do the dishes. They didn't seem to mind.

a great day of rest and a time to be thankful without dishpan hands.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Will Trade Beer for Jesus

Sign of the times?

ADELAIDE, Australia (AP) — An Australian brewing company is offering six cases of beer to anyone who returns a statue of the baby Jesus stolen from a nativity scene last week. The South Australian Brewing Company (search) offered the reward after thieves swiped the statue from the company's traditional nativity display earlier this week. Managing Director Mark Powell said security footage showed a man scaling a fence and lifting the baby Jesus from his manger. "We are very concerned about the well-being of baby Jesus and we are calling for his swift and safe return," Powell said. A reward of six cases of beer will be given to anyone who returns the statue, he said. "That said, you would have thought that the incentive of a guaranteed exit through the right door after purgatory would be enough of an incentive in itself," Powell said.

considering the complexity of descent

crest and height
stand and bow
now tempest tossed
contains me now
the blood drenched cross
the burden borne
the weeping mother
broken, torn
thanks and mercy
spark and flight
rescue me from
the desperate night.

definitey a cool day

Today I got up late because i didn't have to do the carpool. drove in for a leisurely day of work. I'm getting lots done today because the phone is silent and most everyone has left. I practiced the Christmas Chapel scene with Brian and Riesha. Actually looking forward to it a little despite the initial reservations. working on let's worship and other things.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

to whom it may concern...

I've had a few emails from people who happen to read my blog and have noticed that I've been much less verbose (which could be a good thing:-) on my blog. (It's been weird hearing from these friends that I didn't know were reading my blog... totally surprised me.) Yes I am and I do have some reasons-- the main thing has been the amount of energy i am expending learning lots of new functions. Not much time to be philosophical and creative... Secondarily, I am also working on a new blog site. Release should be sometime in the next couple of weeks but I'll post the address on blogspot once it is done. I've been very conflicted about another change- my reputation as a blogger vagabond is growing. One of the things that I've had to reevaluate is why I blog. Is it for my audience or for God or for me? I've come to the conclusion that the blog is basically for God and He doesn't need to bookmark the page. I've been a victim of "blog envy" in the past where I see tons of hits and comments on others' blogs. But ultimately I had to find a tool that best tells my story as it intersects with His.

Anyway, I'll get back to blogging tonight.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

an important day...

at work. David Francis, Gary, Bill C, John Mc, and Chris attended. I received lots of great affirmation on the Life Source DVD. I still have work to do but we are very much on the way.

My real editing hours were:

Thursday 1-5
Friday 9-4
Saturday 9-6
Monday 10-9
Tuesday 8am- 2am

I still have some sound issues to smooth out.

I left LifeWay early and got a peaceful nap from 2:30-4:30, (That information is for Mom.)

Monday, November 15, 2004

back at it...

Actually got our first realtor call on the house to see if it can show. Lord, it's in your hands.

Today We took Isaac and Caleb to school. Called the towing service to take away Darlene's car. And then Darlene drove me to work. We had a meeting for around 2 hours with the EICs and so I have not yet begun to edit the video.


a good sunday

spiritually that is...

Preached on heaven in the morning and then continued the Life Swap series at night. I am so refreshed when I go there. I don't feel the the slightest fatigue. Got home to find out that Darlene's clutch is out. But hey, my car is still working:-) I believe God is really stripping me of all self sufficiency. I feel like I'm learning the lesson slowly that I must depend on Jesus alone, not savings or wealth or anything. Lord, I am resolved to let this lesson go down deep no matter what happens to us I will continue the press forward on eternal things.

Friday, November 12, 2004

now bad news

today we learned that Isaac's car needs a new gasket or new head or both. OK, i don't know what the heck i'm talking about but bottom line we'll end up paying more for the repair than we did for the car- but at this point i think we've are half way across the ocean. this is the point of no return.

Rejoice always.

anyway, today I worked on the video presentations, the Christmas presentation for lifeway (why did I agree??) and a number of other things. I feel scrambled tonight- all the wierd circumstances... But I'll survive. Tomorrow I need to go by the hospital to visit Matt J. He returned to St. Thomas hosptial with an infection on the scar from the surgery.

Lord give me St. Paul's attitude:

Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty.

(Phil.4:11-12 The Message Bible)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Back in the office

somewhat good news on Isaac's car. It may just be the intake valve (whatever that is) It's less expensive than the head gaskets. I really like these guys at ultimate tire. They seem to be very, very fair.

Once again, Lord I am so thankful for your work in Isaac's life. He is a changed person. Thanks for friends that stand in the gap for me (a weak-in-the-knees daddy). You were right. This work is something that you will do and it is for me to witness. I am St. Thomas now falling to my knees after touching Your side crying out, "My Lord and My God!"

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Final Reading for the Experiencing God Project

So glad to finish this. Thanks Lord for the act of completion.

Reader 1: Do you trust His word?

Reader 2: So is my word that goes out from my mouth:

Reader 3: It will not return to me empty,

Reader 1: but will accomplish what I desire

Reader 3: and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11 NIV)

Reader 1: Do you want to know Him?

Congregation: My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferingsbeing conformed to His death. (Philippians 3:10 HCSB)

Reader 1: Do you seek him?

Reader 2: I have asked one thing from the LORD;

Congregation: it is what I desire.

Reader 2: to dwell in the house of the LORD

Reader 3: all the days of my life gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking Him in His temple. (Psalm 27:4 HCSB)

Reader 1: Do you follow him?

Reader 2: The next day John was back at his post with two disciples, who were watching. He looked up, saw Jesus walking nearby, and said,

Reader 3: "Here he is, God's Passover Lamb."

Reader 2: The two disciples heard him and went after Jesus.

Reader 3: Jesus looked over his shoulder and said to them,

Reader 1: "What are you after?”

Reader 2: They said, "Rabbi…where are you staying?"

Reader 1: He replied, "Come along and see for yourself." (John 1:35 MSG)

Reader 3: Will you experience Him?

Reader 2: Summoning the crowd along with His disciples, He said to them,

Congregation: "If anyone wants to be My follower, he must deny himself take up his cross and follow Me. (Mark 8:34 HCSB)

Reader 1: Do you love him?

Reader 3: "If you love Me, you will keep. If you love Me, keep My commandments.(John 14:15)

Reader 1: Will you be faithful?

Congregation: He is at work.

Reader 2: He’s calling you to join Him.

Reader 3: To know Him,

Reader 2: To experience the incredible glory contained in His name.

Reader 1: Will you come with us?

Reader 2: Will these 40 days change the course of your life?

Reader 3: Or will these days simple be remembered vaguely?

Reader 1: This is your decision.

Reader 2: This is your time.

Congregation: Both the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" (Rev. 22:17 HCSB)

two voices on joy

Joy is prayer - Joy is strength - Joy is love - Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.

Mother Teresa

God give me style and give me grace
God put a smile upon my face


Prayers of the Unchanged

So here's the next one. One more and I'm done. Yippee!

#1: Lord, OK, OK. I acknowledge that You’ve called me to join you and I’m all for it. I mean, I’ve been waiting and praying for your will. And I’ve been on the same page up to this point but I just have one little favor to ask. Please don’t

#2: -ask me to give up my Sunday School class. It’s really my only me time and you know how much I’ve grown under Frank’s teaching so if you’d just allow me to-

#3: -keep my job. I’ll reach another important pay grade level in three years. Don’t you think it would be wiser to just keep me financially secure? I’ve got college tuition to pay in a few years, the car is getting older, and I have 12 years left on the mortgage. And I need more

#1: -rest. I’m always tired. Do you think I can fit everything else in my routine if I continue to coach soccer, keep my Grizzly season tickets, volunteer at the art museum, serve as treasurer of the PTA, work out 5 days a week. And don’t forget-

#2: I’m a leader. Please don’t ask me to do something so radical that everyone looks at me like I’m some kind of freak. I’m a multidimensional person and I’m afraid I’ll be so different that everyone at work won’t go to lunch with me anymore. I don’t want to have to

#3: explain this to my wife/husband. Things are on shaky ground in the first place. This is going to take a lot of trust and some major miracles. Besides my life is already so complicated and I know relationships are

#1: important aren’t they?

#2: I could really lose friends and

#3: shock people. I’ve been in this town for 8 years. I guess what I don’t want to do is

#1: well

#2: actually

#3: really

#1: If you must know.

#2: I don’t really want

All: Change

#1: So that’s basically my only request.

#3: Do whatever You want to do with me. Just remember

#1: that one tiny caveat because

#2: I want to experience You but

#3: in a more conventional way.

#1: like a short-term mission project

#2: or a new Bible study

#3: or a really cool new mentor

#1: but please

#2: help me

#3: keep everything the way it is

All: right now.

and it got worse....

from a new radiator to major engine repair- probably a head gasket.

this afternoon...

i will be exiled to a remote location with 20 other people to learn InCopy software. i have other things that i'd rather do, but an editor's gotta do what an editors gotta do.

verdict on Isaac's car: needs new raditor.

House: We've had a couple of nibbles on the hook but no one through the door yet.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

God is big enough to see everything

This is the truth that keeps blowing my mind. It's so simple. I've known it before I walked. Our God sees it all. He sees all angles, all clumsy attempts at beauty, he reads every little thing I write. He knows it all. He is so everywhere that just thinking about gives me a sense of security and strong overwhelming, yaup compelling, vibrance. Fear? Yes (and no) Mostly an awestruck selah of clear true reality.

It makes me a better person.

No shades can be pulled.

No sunglassses in the drugstore

No disguises work- He's aware of all my tricks and masks.

It make me a God lover til the rattling in my lungs becomes the advent of eternity future.

God Speaks to Use (Experiencing God Reality 4)

In this moment of worship

Speak Lord, your servant is listening.

Through Your Word: a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path.

Speak Lord, your servant in listening.

Your word is complete and it pulls our lives together.

Speak Lord. Your servant is listening

Mere bread can’t sustain us for long. We need your Holy Word.

Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening.

The Lord announced the word, and great was the company of those who proclaimed it. (Psalm 68:11NIV)

Speak Lord You Servant is listening.

You speak to us prayer

Speak Lord. Your servant is Listening

Knowing well that when our hearts cry out to you we are changed.

Speak Lord. Your servant is Listening

Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.

Speak Lord, Your servant is listening.

You speak to us in along the journey. So in the good times and in the bad-

Speak Lord, Your servant in listening.

When we are desparately seeking you. Our hearts are broken for our unbelief, for our wickedness as a people, for the land we dwell and the lost too many to count, we cry out-

Speak Lord, Your servant is Listening.

As a church, we confess that you are God. You have placed us together to accomplish a God-sized task and without your voice we are lost.

Speak Lord, Your servant is listening.


blow by blow...

Back at the office after a little running around. Celebrated GB's birthday today and went to lunch with him, Chris, and Judi. Great time to laugh and decompress for a moment. Then back to the writing. I am feeling especially productive right now. I'm probably going to work on one more Experiencing God sketch and then begin working in Final Cut Pro.

God Invites You to Become a Part of His Work

#1: God calls each of us to join Him

#2: To do his work.

Both: But we aren’t the first to hear His voice.


#1: Honey, I have some news for you. God said he wants us to go.

#2: Go where?

#1: I don’t know

How far?

#1: Not really sure on that either.

#2: Who said this?

#1: God

#2: Why?

#1: Because He is the Lord.

#2: When?

#1: As soon as possible.

#2: Leave Ur.

#1: Urrrrryeah.

Both: God calls us to the adventure of the Divine.

#1: So what are you and Noah doing over there? I noticed that the kids have come home to visit.

#2: Yes, It is uh… wonderful.

#1: How long are they going to stay?

#2: Probably no more than one hundred years.

#1: Wow! Talk about extended family time. What kind of project are you working on? A new deck? A fence?

#2: Actually it’s a boat.

#1: What?

#2: A boat.

#1: What’s a boat?

#2: It’s something that we can use when it starts to rain.

#1: Rain? What’s Rain?

#2: It’s water coming down from the sky.

#1: Really? So who’s idea was this. Noah’s?

#2: No. It was God’s.


Voice of God: Jonah!

#2: The voice seemed to come out of nowhere!

#1: Who's that? Sounds like-

Voice of God: God. I have a job for you.

#1: You do? Great. I'd be honored! A job to do for God! I'll be right up there with Abraham, Isaac, and King David. Maybe He's going to give me a special rod, or a sling. This is great! I need to go tell my friends about this one they'll never believe it! A job from-

Voice of God: Jonah-

#1: Yes Lord?

Voice of God: Don't you want to know what the job is?

#1: Oh. I almost forgot. I sure do. I'll do it. Whatever it is, you've got the right man!

Voice of God: I need you to take a trip.

#1: A trip! I love trips! Hopping on a camel into the wild blue yonder! Sleeping under the stars! Climbing mountains! Cruises on sail boats! I'm on my way, Lord.

Voice: Jonah! Don't you want to know where I need you to go?

#1: Oh yeah, Lord. Minor detail.

Voice of God: I need you to go to Nineveh!

#1: Nineveh! A free trip to Nineveh! Wow! (Realizing what God has said.) Wait. Hold on, Lord. Did you say Nineveh?

Voice of God: Nineveh.

#1: Nineveh?

Voice of God: Nineveh, Jonah!

#1: But Lord. Why do you want me to go there? Those people despise you! They kill prophets! They do things! Terrible things. Lord, you should hear the stories about Nineveh. They're bad! Really bad people. They don't obey you words. They're rude. Believe me Lord I really should go to-

Voice of God: I want you to go to Nineveh. I know what they do and I still want you to go.

#1: Why, Lord.

Voice of God: Because they need to repent.

#1: You've got that right.

Voice of God: And I love them.

#1: You love them! How could you love them? These people are bad. Really bad. They-

Voice of God: You're repeating yourself.

#1: Oh... Right.

Voice of God: Now go to Nineveh and bring my message to the people.

#1: But-

Voice of God: Are you my servant?

#1: Yes, but-

Voice of God: Then go to Nineveh.


#1: What are you doing with that water pots?

#2: We’ve already used them.

#1: I have to fill them up with water.

#2: Fill’em up with water. That isn’t logical. Hands have already been washed! We’ve got bigger problems. We’re almost out of wine and this is day two of a five-day feast.

#1: I know.

#2: Who’s going to want to drink water from a bath pot.

#1: I’m just following orders.

#2: From whom?

#1: Well… Jesus.


#2: And God continues to use ordinary people to do His extraordinary work.

#1: He uses shepherds,

#2: Servants,

#1: Teachers,

#2: Carpenters,

#1: People who have it all together and people who seemingly don’t have anything together.

#2: Kings and beggars

#1: Children and Elders

#2: Pastors

#1: And Parents,

#2: He is calling us to experience Him

Both: And do what he is calling us to do.

#2: The wondrous mystery of it all.

#1: God’s plan for the message and the mission rests on the shoulders and on the tongue of flesh-and-blood people.

#2: Not angels,

#1: Or cherubs,

#2: Or stone tablets.

#1: He chose us.

#2: There is no other plan.

The Sound of Grace: God Pursues a Relationship With Us That is Real and Personal

Again and again I heard the sound of grace. It was a sound that shook my life out of the darkness.

I had many lovers throughout my life. People would talk about me. I was the punch-line of every joke and fireside conversation. Some men wanted me to die and others wanted me for all the wrong reasons. The legal authorities pulled me out of my lover’s bed into the light of early morning. I tried to resist but of course I knew it was futile. This was the day I had dreaded ever since my parents disowned me when I turned 17. But I never dreamed that this humiliation would cut so deep. I knew where they were leading me. I couldn’t look at them. I closed my eyes unable to bear the humiliation as they brought me to my ultimate judge. The officials brought me to Him. They stated their case.

(As Pharisees) You know the charges; you know what the law is. We demand that it be followed! What do YOU say?

I hid my face in shame. I couldn’t look up to see his face. Silence. Silence that seemed to last for an eternity.

(As Pharisees) Speak! What is your verdict?

No reply. Then I could hear the mumbling of the citizens. I could hear familiar voices, sarcastically mocking me under their breath. I could hear the voices of former lovers. I could hear the voices of the jury of my peers. Why is this judge so silent? I looked up. My eyes fixed on Him. Then suddenly I felt the power of his holiness and trembled. But this was not the face of a judge. This wasn’t the face of a rich religious leader.

He said the words that echo through the ages. “Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.”

I braced myself for the force of a violent death. But my eyes remained on this man. Then came the sound I still hear today- the sound of grace. It was the sound of falling stones as one by one the prosecutors exited silent and shamed.

He pursued me with a love I had never felt or seen before. He smiled and said, Where are the ones that have judged you?

This wasn’t the love of a man. I’d seen too much of that kind of love. This was the love of a God who saw me as I was and loved me still. He covered me with his love. And I didn’t quite understand it at the time. But later on Golgotha I saw that he was willing to give everything to bring me into his family.

The challenge today...

To write 7 readings on the seven realities of experiencing God in 7 hours. This will definitely be a God thing if I do even half of them. But I do have the first one done.

God is at Work Around us

Reader 1: Jesus said to them,

Reader 2: "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working."

All: He is Alive

Reader 1: He is active.

Reader 2: Through heartbreak,

Reader 3: Through triumph,

Reader 1: Through political unrest,

Reader 4: War and peace,

Reader 2: Our God is at work!

All: He is moving.

Reader 1: He is alive

Reader 3: Apart from me you can do something?

All: No.

Reader 2: Apart from me you are going to do less than you ought?

All: No

Reader 1: Apart from me, you can do nothing.

Reader 4: (whispered) Nothing

Reader 3: (whispered) Nothing.

All: It all starts with God.

Recorded or offstage voice 1: Lord, I just don’t see your hand. My marriage is falling apart. It seems like all the things I’ve worked for all these years is vanishing before my very eyes. Where is my future?

Recorded or offstage voice 2: Lord, I don’t think I can survive this ever growing to do list. Where is your power?

Recorded or offstage voice 2: Lord, I give up. I can’t continue to live this way, I can right my own wrongs. I can’t seem to put the pieces together.

Recorded or offstage voice 4: I guess everything is going OK but something inside me says that there is much more. I don’t want to live an ordinary life. I want my life to count for something.

Reader 1: Jesus laid out the challenge to all of us.

Reader 2: "Live in me.

Reader 3: Take up residence where I am

Reader 1: Just like a branch is no good without the vine

Reader 4: You can’t do anything without God.

Reader 1: You are separated.

Reader 2: You are dead.

Reader 3: You are worthless.

Reader 1: But God is calling to you.

All: He is at work.

Reader 2: He is alive.

Reader 4: He is moving among us.

All: He is here.

Reader 3: And he is calling to you.

Reader 4: He is at work around us.

Reader 2: He comes bearing gifts.

Reader 1: He is at work around us.

Reader 4: He is our only hope.

Reader 2: He is at work around us.

Reader 1: As He was in the burning bush days of Moses.

All: He is today.

Reader 4: As He was in the sling and stone days of David.

All: He is today.

Reader 1: God is at work.

Reader 2: He is.

Reader 4: He is.

Reader 1: He

All: Is.

Monday, November 08, 2004

stream of consciousness

rule #1. When in a blogging funk write about it. it is your only escape. so here i am writing. and ready to reflect on the past few days that i've been silent.

Sunday's Messages
Morning: Psalm 1: Living a Blessed Life
Evening: The Life Swap: Christ giving us his glory in exchange for our cross.

I'm having such fun preaching. it's been a ministry to me on several levels. i find the pew to be an uncomfortable place. (i'm not proud of this because i believe it shows a lack of humility.) i find it almost impossible to avoid dissecting things that happen in worship. i must continually focus on the work of worship and work it is. There is and should be passion but there is also the stubborn refusal to be spectator in the act of corporate worship. the worship leader stands in the place of ease because worship mandates him to work. for the body- it is much more difficult because worship is indeed a heart matter.

took the kids tonight to see The Incredibles... Definitely living up to its name.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Wrap up for the week

a bit of a non-blogging week. it's been filled with lots of excitment. we finished the first shoot of life source tuesday night and then home to watch the returns. i stayed up way too late- about 1:30 a.m. and then Caleb stumbled into the living room with a stomach ailment i'll call toomuchcandyiatis. it's an ailment that strangely develops in the first few days of november,

i spent thurday and today working on digitizing the video footage and managing to miss a few meetings. aw darn. i love my new computer and my new task of creating this project. i really need to concentrate on the paper work issues next week while also getting extra footage. i hope to spend some time on the manuals for final cut pro. the final cut pro bug struck and i long to learn more.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Shoot Day a success

Spent the day shooting the first three Life Source installments. Great progress. We got lots of good stuff but I am really dragging today. Still trying to find my brain's zip code.