matt tullos

the compost pile of writer, matt tullos. mostly poems, prayers, rants and naratives... "Gods passion for the world has compelled me to be a contributor in the warfare of grace rather than a spectator in the warfare of religion."

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Location: Alexandria, LA, United States

Monday, December 01, 2003

december 1st posts

Quote from Basil the Great

"Every art is God's gift to us, making up for what is lacking in nature.
posted by Tullos at 12:03 pm

Stanley Hauerwas: Interesting point

Hauerwas was debating a medical researcher who was defending experiments on fetal tissue. "What if it were discovered that fetal tissue were a delicacy?" Hauerwas asked with his trademark Texas twang. "Could you eat it?"
Posted by Tullos at 11:11 am

what i'm reading....
Brian McLaren more than you realize
Dallas Willard the divine conspiracy
Posted by Tullos at 10:55 am

how i spent my thanksgiving vacation
music: Daniel Amos, George Winston: December, BNL, Dave Matthews: Busted Stuff
Movie: Remains of the Day,
This is probably one of my most watched movies. I love the performances of emma thompson and anthony hopkins. It's one of the most haunting movies I've ever seen and it draws me in I think, because it deals with familiar struggles such as the balance between passion and order/ restaint and expression. Hopkins is unmatched as a listener on screen. the metaphors are abundant. this film reminds me to serve faithfully and observe the master. test authority and don't simply become overwhelmed by the mundane (polishing the flatware) and miss the larger arena in which we live.

The music is absolutely incredible.

more later. i must work.
Posted by Tullos at 10:02 am


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