matt tullos

the compost pile of writer, matt tullos. mostly poems, prayers, rants and naratives... "Gods passion for the world has compelled me to be a contributor in the warfare of grace rather than a spectator in the warfare of religion."

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Location: Alexandria, LA, United States

Thursday, November 13, 2003


drench me in your grace
hide me from the shadows of the valley
keep me focused on your face
keep my mind and heart pure before You
lift me up beyond my own wickedness
consume me with Your rest.
let the river of forgiveness flow through me into the lives of my enemies
keep me focused on the race.
sharpen my eyes to the power of your blood bought mercy
make me an instrument, a vessel, a soldier
prepare me for the challenge in front of me today.
remind me of the moments You saved me.
help me recount Your mighty acts.

Posted by Tullos at 1:47 pm
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