jack welch quote
There are times when a leader "cannot be this thoughtful, in-the-corner guru. You cannot be a moderate, balanced, thoughtful careful articulator of policy. You've got to be on the lunatic fringe." - Jack Welch
the compost pile of writer, matt tullos. mostly poems, prayers, rants and naratives... "Gods passion for the world has compelled me to be a contributor in the warfare of grace rather than a spectator in the warfare of religion."
There are times when a leader "cannot be this thoughtful, in-the-corner guru. You cannot be a moderate, balanced, thoughtful careful articulator of policy. You've got to be on the lunatic fringe." - Jack Welch
People are scared to death of grace. They absolutely are scared to death of it. They are so worried that if you believe it, that if you take it seriously, that if you buy into the fact that you’re unconditionally loved by God, forgiven by him and liked by God, that you’re going to abuse it. They think that you’re going to use that as an excuse to live like hell.
God is not an arbitrary rule-maker; He’s a lover. And He is seeking to love us no matter what. Yes, of course we want to be holy and we want to be as holy as we can be, but you know what? I don’t think we have any idea what holiness looks like. When you look at the saints, when you look at the disciples, you go, " …if that’s holiness, I’m in!"
Posted by Tullos at 1:43 pm
“I find that God never leads us into an intolerable scramble of panting feverishness.”
Thomas Kelly
Posted by Tullos at 5:42 pm
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gone is the light
done is the day
thunder rumbles gently
the grace of the darkness
reminding me
calling me
toward thanksgiving
and the rain begins...
These lyrics are over 220 years old but... I am speechless...
The tree of life my soul hath seen,
Laden with fruit and always green:
The trees of nature fruitless be
Compared with Christ the apple tree.
His beauty doth all things excel:
By faith I know, but ne'er can tell
The glory which I now can see
In Jesus Christ the apple tree.
I'm weary with my former toil,
Here I will sit and rest awhile:
Under the shadow I will be,
Of Jesus Christ the apple tree.
This fruit doth make my soul to thrive,
It keeps my dying faith alive;
Which makes my soul in hasate to be
With Jesus Christ the apple tree.
For happiness I long have sought,
And pleasure dearly I have bought:
I missed of all; but now I see
'Tis found in Christ the apple tree.
collection of Joshua Smith
New Hampshire
Posted by Tullos at 5:55 pm
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