matt tullos

the compost pile of writer, matt tullos. mostly poems, prayers, rants and naratives... "Gods passion for the world has compelled me to be a contributor in the warfare of grace rather than a spectator in the warfare of religion."

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Location: Alexandria, LA, United States

Friday, January 16, 2004

the fundamentalists

wouldn't it be really cool to start a new movement called "fundamentalism" the primary foundation of the movement would be "Believing the Bible as the word of God." For instance when Jesus said "love Your Enemies" we'd actually love everybody- even our enemies, to the extent that our enemies would actually look at the church and say, "Wow, those crazy people love me!" That we'd have such a radical respect for life that we'd fight as vehemently against the death penalty as we do against abortion. That we'd listen to people like Jesus listened to them instead of feeling like we had to win debates and exclude people with opposing viewpoints. that we treat poor people like the Bible says we should- as human representations of Christ. that we would be more compelled to "Go" than we are to "stay." that we'd develop temple self cleansing programs to purge the church of widespread commercialism. That our denominational leaders would be seen often with mops and wrenches. that our heroes would once again be found in mud huts and rice fields half a world away instead of offices like mine. that we'd be more interested in community than we are in labels. we'd hold onto the two great fundamentals of Christ more than anything else.

1. Love God.
2. Love People.

and for every preacher that tried to turn the church into a political organization, they would be fair game for wedgies:-)


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